born Sept. 26, 1889, Messkirch, Schwarzwald, Ger. died May 26, 1976, Messkirch, W.Ger. German philosopher, counted among the main exponents of 20th-century Existentialism. He was an original thinker, a critic of technological society, a leading ontologist of his time, and an influence on a younger generation of continental European cultural personalities. Additional reading H. Albert, Traktat ber kritische Vernunft (1968), a critique of Heidegger's conception of cognition as revelation; A. De Waelhens, La Philosophie de Martin Heidegger, 7th ed. (1971); H. Feick, Index zu Heideggers Sein und Zeit (1961), a useful collection of definitions and a survey of occurrences of key terms; M. Grene, "Heidegger, Martin," in P. Edwards (ed.), Encyclopedia of Philosophy, vol. 3 (1967), an attempt to furnish an understandable translation and a concentrated survey of Heideggerian conceptions; H. Lbbe, "Bibliographie der Heidegger-Litteratur 1917-1955," Zeitschrift fr Philosophische Forschung, vol. 11 (1957), excellent; G. Lukcs, "Heidegger redivivus," in Sinn und Form, 1:37-62 (1949), an influential philosophical and Marxist evaluation of the work and influence of Heidegger; J. Macquarrie, An Existentialist Theology: A Comparison of Heidegger and Bultmann (1955); A. Naess, "Heidegger," in Four Modern Philosophers: Carnap, Wittgenstein, Heidegger, Sartre (1968); O. Pggeler, Der Denkweg Martin Heideggers (1963), and Philosophie und Politik bei Heidegger (1972); George Steiner, Heidegger (1978; U.S. title, Martin Heidegger, 1979). Later studies include Paul A. Bov, Destructive Poetics: Heidegger and Modern American Poetry (1980); Steven L. Bindeman, Heidegger and Wittgenstein, The Politics of Silence (1981); Henry G. Wolz, Plato and Heidegger: In Search of Selfhood (1981); David R. Mason, Time and Providence (1982). Major Works: "Das Realittsproblem in der modernen Philosophie," Philosophisches Jahrbuch der Grresgesellschaft, 25 (1912); Die Lehre vom Urteil im Psychologismus: Ein kritisch-positiver Beitrag zur Logik (1914); Die Kategorien- und Bedeutungslehre des Duns Scotus (1916); "Der Zeitbegriff in der Geschichtswissenschaft," Zeitschrift fr Philosophie und philosophische Kritik, 161 (1916); Sein und Zeit: Erste Hlfte, first as a contribution to the Jahrbuch fr Philosophie und phnomenologische Forschung, 8 (1927), then as a separate book (1927; 11th ed., 1967; Being and Time, 1962); Kant und das Problem der Metaphysik (1929; Eng. trans. by James Churchill, Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics, 1962); Vom Wesen des Grundes (1929; The Essence of Reasons, 1969); Was ist Metaphysik? (1929; 10th ed., 1969; "What Is Metaphysics?" in the selective volume Existence and Being, ed. by W. Brock, 1949); Die Selbstbehauptung der deutschen Universitt (1933); Hlderlin und das Wesen der Dichtung (lecture of 1936, printed 1937; Eng. trans. in Existence and Being); Platons Lehre von der Wahrheit, first as a contribution to Geistige berlieferung (1942), then in book form (1947), Eng. trans. in William Barrett and H.D. Aiken (eds.), Philosophy in the Twentieth Century, vol. 2 (1962); Vom Wesen der Wahrheit (1943, from lectures given 1930-32; 4th ed., 1961; Eng. trans. in Existence and Being); Erluterungen zu Hlderlins Dichtung (1944; 3rd ed., 1963); Brief ber den "Humanismus," first with Platons Lehre . . . (1947), then separately (1949), Eng. trans. in Philosophy in the Twentieth Century; Holzwege (1950; 4th ed., 1963); Einfhrung in die Metaphysik (1953; 3rd ed., 1967; An Introduction to Metaphysics, 1959); Der Feldweg (1953; 4th ed., 1969); Votrge und Aufstze (1954; 3rd ed., 1967); Was heisst Denken? (1954; What Is Called Thinking?, 1968); Aus der Erfahrung des Denkens (1954); Was ist das-die Philosophie? (1956; What Is Philosophy?, 1958); Zur Seinsfrage (1956; The Question of Being, 1958); Der Satz vom Grund (1957); Identitt und Differenz (1957; Essays in Metaphysics: Identity and Difference; 1960); Unterwegs zur Sprache (1959; On the Way to Language, 1971); Der Ursprung des Kunstwerkes, (1960; Eng. trans. in A. Hofstadter and R. Kuhns , Philosophies of Art and Beauty, 1964); Nietzsche, 2 vol. (1961); Die Frage nach dem Ding: Zu Kants Lehre von den transzendentalen Grundstzen (1962; What Is a Thing?, 1967); Kants These ber das Sein (1962).
Meaning of HEIDEGGER, MARTIN in English
Britannica English vocabulary. Английский словарь Британика. 2012