born 21 BC died AD 39 son of Herod I the Great who became tetrarch of Galilee and ruled throughout Jesus of Nazareth's ministry. Around 4 BC Herod Antipas inherited part of his father's kingdom after the Roman emperor Augustus had adjusted his father's will. He restored the damage caused in the period between his father's death and the approval of the will, restoring two towns, one of which he renamed in honour of the Roman imperial family. He divorced his Nabataean wife, daughter of the king of the desert kingdom adjoining his own, to marry Herodias, formerly the wife of his half brother. The marriage offended his former father-in-law and alienated his Jewish subjects. When John the Baptist, one of his subjects, reproached Herod for this marriage, Herodias goaded her husband into imprisoning him. Still unmollified, she inveigled her daughter, Salome, to ask for the Baptist's head in return for dancing at her stepfather's birthday feast. Antipas reluctantly beheaded John, and later, when Jesus' miracles were reported to him, he believed that John the Baptist had been resurrected. When Jesus was arrested in Jerusalem, Pilate, the Roman procurator of Judaea, first sent him to Antipas, who was spending Passover in the capital, because Jesus came from Antipas' realm. The Tetrarch was eager to see Jesus, expecting more miracles, but soon returned him to Pilate, unwilling to pass judgment. Some time earlier, Antipas had built the city of Tiberias on the western shore of the Sea of Galilee, partly modelling it after a Greek city, but though he erected statues in the Greek manner in his palace, his coins bore no images. He also encouraged the Herodians, well-to-do Jews who supported him and were tolerant of Roman authority. Herod's closeness to the imperial family resulted in his choice as a mediator in the Roman-Parthian talks of 36. To his credit the conference was a success, but Antipas' haste to report the news to Rome aroused the hostility of Aulus Vitellius, legate of Syria, later emperor. Around 37, the Nabataean king Aretas IV, whose daughter Antipas had repudiated, attacked Herod's realm, inflicting severe damage. When the Tetrarch appealed to Rome, the Emperor sent Vitellius, who, still nursing his resentment, availed himself of every possible delay. After Caligula became emperor in 37, Herodias, envious of her brother Agrippa I's success, persuaded her husband to denounce him before the Emperor, but the intended victim, Caligula's close friend, anticipated Antipas and levied charges, partially true, against him. Caligula banished Antipas to Gaul, where Herodias accompanied him, and her brother added the tetrarchy to his domains.
Meaning of HEROD ANTIPAS in English
Britannica English vocabulary. Английский словарь Британика. 2012