Meaning of HO HSIEN-KU in English

Pinyin He Xiangu, in Chinese mythology, one of the Pa Hsien, the Eight Immortals of Taoism, and the only female (if Lan Ts'ai-ho is considered to be male). As a teenaged girl she dreamed that mother-of-pearl conferred immortality. She thereupon ate some, became ethereal, and found she could float across the hills at will. She returned home each evening carrying herbs collected during the day. Artists depict her as a beautiful woman often adorned with a lotus flower. An early legend relates that during a sumptuous birthday party for Hsi Wang Mu, she and the other Immortals became intoxicated with heavenly wine (t'ien chiu) and the fragrant surroundings. Though Ho Hsien-ku vanished after receiving a summons from Empress Wu Hou (7th century AD), someone caught sight of her 50 years later floating on a cloud. See also Pa Hsien.

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