born Nov. 9, 1805, Boston, Mass., U.S. died Jan. 2, 1875, Boston American physician and reformer whose medical practice, though not sanctioned by a degree for some 20 years, achieved considerable success by applying principles of good nutrition, exercise, and physical and mental hygiene. Hunt was reared in a family of liberal social and religious views and educated privately. She opened a school of her own in her parents' house in 1827. The lengthy illness of her sister in the early 1830s, during which a series of physicians demonstrated the futility of a variety of therapies, induced Hunt and her sister to begin studying in 1833 under an English couple named Mott who apparently cured the sister. In 1835 the two sisters opened their own practice in the face of considerable prejudice. Finding the body of medical knowledge of the day to be largely incoherent, but rejecting the current enthusiasm for harsh medications, they concentrated on the study of physiology and the practice of good hygiene. Diet, bathing, rest, and exercise formed the core of their medicine, along with a sizable dose of common sense and sympathetic insight that amounted to a sort of psychotherapy. They enjoyed considerable success, particularly in cases of hysterical or psychosomatic ailments that orthodox physicians had failed to relieve. After her sister's marriage in 1840, Hunt continued in practice alone. In 1843 Hunt formed the Ladies Physiological Society, under whose auspices she conducted a course of lectures for women on physiology and hygiene. In 1847, on learning of Elizabeth Blackwell's admission to the Geneva (New York) Medical College, she applied for permission to attend lectures at the Harvard Medical College and was denied. She conducted a second series of lectures in 1849, this time in a working-class district of Boston. In 1850 she attended the national convention for women's rights in Worcester, Massachusetts, where she met the leaders of the movement and threw her lot in with theirs. For a number of years she lectured frequently on women's rights and the abolition of slavery. A second application to Harvard late in 1850 was successful, but the vigorous protest of the male medical students prevented her from taking advantage of it. In 1853, in recognition of her pioneering work for women in medicine, the Female Medical College of Philadelphia awarded her an honorary medical degree. Her autobiography, Glances and Glimpses, was published in 1856. She continued to practice medicine and to support the feminist cause late in life.
Meaning of HUNT, HARRIOT KEZIA in English
Britannica English vocabulary. Английский словарь Британика. 2012