born c. 1180 died c. 1250, , Vienna byname Isaac Or Zaru'a medieval codifier of Jewish law (Halakha) whose vast compilation, Or Zaru'a (Light Is Sown), was widely quoted in later Halakhic works. Or Zaru'a is also valued by historians for its descriptions of Jewish life in medieval France, Germany, and Italy. By his own testimony, Isaac was born in Bohemia. Although poor he was determined to become an educated man and embarked upon a nomadic life that brought him into contact with the most respected Jewish scholars of Bohemia, France, and Germany. The Or Zaru'a is a compendium of the knowledge he gathered from eminent rabbissome in the form of correspondenceand his own commentaries and responsa (answers to specific questions) on matters of law. The original manuscript, so vast that it presented a problem for copyists, was copied in sections, over a long period of time, and was widely disseminated only by means of quotations in the works of other Halakhists. Of the surviving manuscripts no two are alike in sequence, thus obscuring any order intended by the author. The first two parts did not appear in published form until 1862. Several abridged versions were produced, including one by Isaac's son Hayyim.
Meaning of ISAAC BEN MOSES OF VIENNA in English
Britannica English vocabulary. Английский словарь Британика. 2012