Meaning of LOVELL, SIR BERNARD in English

Additional reading A good summary of Lovell's scientific work is given in McGraw-Hill Modern Scientists and Engineers, vol. 2, pp. 247249 (1980). See also Shirley Thomas (ed.), Men of Space, vol. 8, pp. 2428 (1968); and Patrick M.S. Blackett, A Biographical Memoir (1976). The building and accomplishments of the Jodrell Bank telescope are described in full by Lovell himself in his Story of Jodrell Bank (1968), and in Out of the Zenith: Jodrell Bank 19571970 (1973). Later works by Lovell include The Origins and International Economics of Space Exploration (1973); Man's Relation to the Universe (1975); In the Center of Immensities (1978); and Emerging Cosmology (1981).

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