Meaning of MAGNESIUM DEFICIENCY in English

also called Hypomagnesemia, condition in which an organism fails to receive an adequate supply of magnesium, a mineral that is essential to enzyme reactions in the metabolism of ingested carbohydrates and sometimes has the ability to replace a portion of body calcium. About three-fourths of the mineral found in the body is associated with calcium in the skeleton and tooth dentine formation, with the remainder contained in soft tissues and body fluids. Its specific function is not certain, but studies indicate magnesium probably serves as a catalyst in other physiological activities. Magnesium forms positive ions (charged particles) in solution and is essential to the electrical breakdown of nutrient and other material within the cells; it is also important to stimulation of muscles and nerves. Magnesium deficiencies are noted in chronic kidney disease and other conditions of acidosis (pathological excess of acid), including diabetic coma. Symptoms of deficiency include weakness, dizziness, distension of the abdomen, and convulsive seizures. The best food sources of magnesium include cereals, legumes, nuts, meats, milk, and other dairy products.

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