Additional reading Editions Collected editions of Molire's works include those by C. Varlet De La Grange, 8 vol. (1682); by M.A. Jolly, 6 vol. (1734); by Eugne Despois and Paul Mesnard in the Grands crivains de la France Series, 13 vol. (18731900); by Ren Bray in the Belles Lettres Series, 8 vol. (193552); by Gustave Michaut, 11 vol. (1949); by Robert Jouanny in the Garnier Series, 2 vol. (1962); and by Georges Couton in the Pliade Series, 2 vol. (1971). Among editions of particular plays those of L'Avare by Charles Dullin (1946), of Le Malade imaginaire by Pierre Valde (1946), of Tartuffe by Fernand Ledoux (1953), and of Le Misanthrope by Gustave Rudler (1947) deserve special mention. Biography Earlier literature is superseded by Gustave Michaut, La Jeunesse de Molire (1922, reprinted 1968), Les Dbuts de Molire Paris (1923, reissued 1968), and Les Luttes de Molire (1925, reissued 1968). See also John L. Palmer, Molire: His Life and Works (1930, reprinted 1970); Gustave Michaut (ed.), Molire: racont par ceux qui l'ont vu (1932); Georges Mongrdien, La Vie prive de Molire (1950); Gertrud Mander, Moliere (1973; originally published in German, 1967); and Ren Bray, Molire, homme de thtre, new ed. (1963, reissued 1972). Official documents have been collected in Madeleine Jurgens and Elizabeth Maxfield-Miller, Cent Ans de recherches sur Molire, sur sa famille et sur les comdiens de sa troupe (1963). Theatrical history Henry C. Lancaster, A History of French Dramatic Literature in the Seventeenth Century, pt. 3 (1936, reprinted 1966); Antoine Adam, Historie de la littrature franaise au XVIIe sicle, vol. 3 (1956); Pierre Mlse, Le Thtre et le public Paris sous Louis XIV (1934, reprinted 1976); Theodore Van Vree, Les Pamphlets et libelles littraires contre Molire (1933); and Burt E. and Grace P. Young (eds.), Le Registre de La Grange, 2 vol. (1947, reprinted 1977). On particular plays, see Antoine Adam, La Gense des Prcieuses ridicules,' Revue d'histoire de la philosophie et d'histoire gnrale da le civilisation, 1416 (JanuaryMarch 1939); Jacques Arnavon, Le Misanthrope de Molire (1930, reprinted 1970), and L'cole des femmes de Molire (1936); and Ren Jasinki, Molire et le Misanthrope (1951, reissued 1970). General criticism Paul F. Saintonge and R.W. Christ, Fifty Years of Molire Studies: A Bibliography, 18921941 (1942, reissued 1977); Roger Johnson, Editha S. Neumann, and Guy T. Trail (eds.), Molire and the Commonwealth of Letters (1975), a study that includes Paul Saintonge's Thirty Years of Molire Studies: A Bibliography, 19421971; Laurence Romero, Molire: Traditions in Criticism, 19001970 (1974); Will G. Moore, Molire: A New Criticism (1949, reprinted 1973); Jacques Guicharnaud, Molire, une aventure thtrale. Tartuffe, Dom Juan, Le Misanthrope (1963); Harold C. Knutson, Molire: An Archetypal Approach (1976); and Nicholas Grene, Shakespeare, Jonson, Molire: The Comic Contract (1980), a comparative study. Major Works: Les Prcieuses ridicules (first performed 1659, published 1660; trans. by B.H. Clark, The Affected Young Ladies, 1915); L'cole des femmes (1663; trans. by the Earl of Longford, The School for Wives, 1948; and by M. Malleson, 1954); Le Tartuffe, ou l'imposteur (first version 1664, present version 1669; trans. by M. Malleson, The Imposter, 1950); Dom Juan, ou le festin de Pierre (1665; trans. by J. Ozell as Don John; or, The Libertine, 1665 and rev. and augmented by O. Mandell, 1963); Le Misanthrope (first performed 1666, 1667; adapted by W. Wycherly, The Plain-Dealer, 1677; trans. by M. Malleson, 1955); L'Avare (1669; trans. by H. Fielding as The Miser, 1733; by M. Malleson, 1950; and by K. Cartledge, 1962, with the same title); Le Bourgeois gentilhomme (1670; trans. by M. Malleson, The Prodigious Snob, 1952); Les Femmes savantes (1672; trans. by V. Beringer and M. Down, The Blue-Stockings, 1927); Le Malade imaginaire (1674; trans. as The Imaginary Invalid by B.H. Clark, 1925; by M. Malleson, 1959; and B. Briscoe, 1967; and as The Hypochondriac by H. Baker and J. Miller, 1961).
Meaning of MOLIERE in English
Britannica English vocabulary. Английский словарь Британика. 2012