Meaning of RAT KANGAROO in English

any of the nine species of Australian and Tasmanian marsupials constituting a subfamily Potoroinae, of the kangaroo family, Macropodidae (see kangaroo). Some authorities recognize a separate family, Potoroidae. They differ from other kangaroos in skull and urogenital anatomy and in having large canine teeth. All are rabbit-sized or smaller. Rat kangaroos live in undergrowth. At night they forage for grass, tubers, and underground fungi; some also eat grubs and worms. The four species of short-nosed rat kangaroos (genus Bettongia), also called boodies, have pinkish noses and short ears. The two long-nosed rat kangaroos, or potoroos (Potorous), have shorter tails and more pointed faces. The rufous rat kangaroo (Aepyprymnus rufescens) is the largest of the rat kangaroos and has a whitish but not distinct hip stripe. The tail attains a length of 35 centimetres (14 inches) or more. The musky rat kangaroo (Hypsiprymnodon moschatus) is the only member of the Macropodidae that has a naked tail and retains the first digit of the hind foot. It is therefore classified by some taxonomists as a separate subfamily, Hypsiprymnodontinae.

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