Meaning of SAMSKARA in English

any of the personal sacraments traditionally observed at every stage of a Hindu's life, from the moment of conception to the final scattering of his funeral ashes. The observance of the samskaras is based on custom fully as much as on texts such as the Grhya-sutras, the epics, or the Puranas and differs considerably according to region, caste, or family. The rites are usually performed by the father, in the home, and are the more carefully observed in the case of male children. The most generally accepted list of 16 traditional samskaras begins with the prenatal ceremonies of garbhadhana (for conception); pumsavana (to favour a male birth); and simantonnayana (hair-parting, to ensure safe delivery). The rites of childhood begin before the severing of the cord, with the ceremony of jatakarman (birth); followed at a later date by namakarana (name-giving); niskramana (the child's first view of the Sun); annaprasana (first feeding of solid food); cudakarana (first tonsure of the boy's head); and karnavedha (boring of the ears for the wearing of ornaments). The educational samskaras can commence as early as the fifth year with the vidyarambha (the learning of the alphabet). The /a>upanayana (q.v.; initiation) confers the sacred thread on male children of the three upper social classes; the vedarambha signals the beginning of the student's study of the Vedas (sacred scriptures); the kesanta, or godana (first shaving of the beard), marks the approach of manhood; and the samavartana (returning home from the house of the guru) or snana (bathing), the completion of his student life. The sacrament of marriage, the next stage in a man's life, is known as vivaha. The final samskara to be performed for a man is the /a>antyesti (q.v.), the funeral rite. In modern times the full samskaras are not generally performed, despite the efforts of the Arya Samaj, a late 19th-century reform movement that tried to revive their popularity. At present the ceremonies most commonly observed are those of initiation, marriage, and death.

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