also called parachuting use of a parachutefor either recreational or competitive purposesto slow a diver's descent to the ground after jumping from an airplane or other high place. The sport traces its beginnings to the descents made from a hot-air balloon by the French aeronaut Andr-Jacques Garnerin in 1797, but modern skydiving is usually performed from a propeller-driven airplane. At events such as the annual World Free Fall Convention in Quincy, Illinois, however, parachutists are afforded the opportunity to jump from such diverse craft as hot-air balloons, helicopters, and a Boeing 727. Additional reading For information on diverse types of skydiving, a text for both beginners and the more advanced parachutist is Dan Poynter and Mike Turoff, Parachuting: The Skydiver's Handbook (2000). For information specific to a location, numerous national organizations publish guidelines and recommendations concerning training on and performance of skydiving in their countries. In the United States this national organization is the United States Parachute Association.
Meaning of SKYDIVING in English
Britannica English vocabulary. Английский словарь Британика. 2012