Cyprus Island of Cyprus Area: 3,572 sq mi, 9,251 sq km. Population (1998): 861,000{1}. Two de facto states currently exist on the island of Cyprus: the Republic of Cyprus (ROC), predominantly Greek in character, occupying the southern two-thirds of the island, which is the original and still the internationally recognized de jure government of the whole island; and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), proclaimed unilaterally Nov. 15, 1983, on territory originally secured for the Turkish Cypriot population by the July 20, 1974, intervention of Turkey. Only Turkey recognizes the TRNC, and the two ethnic communities have failed to reestablish a single state. Provision of separate data below does not imply recognition of either state's claims but is necessitated by the continuing lack of unified data. Republic of Cyprus Official name: Kipriak Dimokrata (Greek); Kibris Cumhuriyeti (Turkish) (Republic of Cyprus). Form of government: unitary multiparty republic with a unicameral legislature (House of Representatives ). Head of state and government: President. Capital: Lefkosia (Nicosia). Official languages: Greek; Turkish. Monetary unit: 1 Cyprus pound (C) = 100 cents; valuation (Sept. 25, 1998) 1 C = U.S.$2.04 = 1.20. Demography Area{3}: 2,276 sq mi, 5,896 sq km. Population (1998): 673,000{4}. Urban-rural (1996{5}): urban 68.5%; rural 31.5%. Age breakdown (1994{5}): under 15, 25.3%; 15-29, 21.8%; 30-44, 22.4%; 45-59, 15.6%; 60-74, 10.2%; 75 and over, 4.7%. Ethnic composition (1992): Greek Cypriot 95.1%; British 0.8%; other 4.1%. Religious affiliation (1995): Cypriot Orthodox 92.0%; Maronite 1.3%; other 6.7%. Urban areas (1994{5}): Lefkosia 186,400{6}; Limassol 143,400; Larnaca 64,000. Vital statistics Birth rate per 1,000 population (1995): 15.4 (world avg. 25.0). Death rate per 1,000 population (1995): 7.7 (world avg. 9.3). Natural increase rate per 1,000 population (1995): 7.7 (world avg. 15.7). Life expectancy at birth (1994-95): male 75.3 years; female 79.8 years. National economy Budget (1995). Revenue: C 1,270,800,000 (indirect taxes 39.2%, direct taxes 25.4%, social security contributions 20.1%). Expenditures: C 1,310,700,000 (current expenditures 87.9%, development expenditures 11.7%). Tourism (1996): receipts U.S.$1,679,000,000; expenditures U.S.$340,000,000. Household expenditure (1992): food and beverages 22.7%, transportation and communications 15.6%, expenditures in cafes and hotels 13.6%. Gross national product (1996): U.S.$8,926,000,000 (U.S.$13,720 per capita). Production. Agriculture (value of production in C '000,000; 1993): milk 27.9, potatoes 24.1, poultry 24.1, barley 21.8, pork 20.0, grapes 15.6. Manufacturing (value added in C '000,000; 1994): food 66.8; wearing apparel 44.4; cement, bricks, and tiles 41.7; beverages 41.3; cigarettes and cigars 30.8. Energy production: electricity (kW-hr; 1995) 2,473,000,000. Foreign trade{7} Imports (1996): C 1,857,500,000 (consumer goods 33.1%; transport equipment 10.2%; capital goods 9.2%; mineral fuels 8.4%). Major import sources: U.S. 16.8%; U.K. 11.2%; Italy 9.2%; Greece 7.2%; Germany 7.1%. Exports (1996): C 648,900,000 (reexports 57.9%{8}; domestic exports 34.1%, of which clothing 5.8%, potatoes 4.3%; ships' stores 8.0%). Major export destinations: Russia 17.5%; Bulgaria 15.1%; U.K. 10.4%; Greece 5.8%. Transport Transport. Roads (1995): total length 10,150 km (paved 57%). Vehicles (1995): cars 219,749; trucks and buses 103,852. Merchant marine (1992): vessels 1,416; deadweight tonnage 36,198,083. Air transport (1995){9}: passenger-km 2,667,000,000; metric ton-km cargo 36,187,000; airports (1996) 2. Education and health Educational attainment (1992). Percentage of population age 25 and over having: no formal schooling 5.1%; higher education 17.0%. Literacy (1992): population age 15 and over literate 95.2%; male 97.8%; female 92.8%. Health (1993): physicians 1,455 (1 per 433 persons); hospital beds 3,297 (1 per 191 persons); infant mortality rate per 1,000 live births (1995) 9.0. Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Official name: Kuzey Kibris Trk Cumhuriyeti (Turkish) (Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus). Capital: Lefkosa (Nicosia). Official language: Turkish. Monetary unit: 1 Turkish lira (LT) = 100 kurush; valuation (Sept. 25, 1998) 1 U.S.$ = LT 276,485; 1 ? = LT 470,716. Population (1998): 188,000{1} (Lefkosa 39,973{10}{11}; Gazimagusa 27,742{10}{11}). Ethnic composition (1993): Turkish 98.6%; other 1.4%. Budget (1995). Revenue: U.S.$293,300,000 (domestic sources 62.0%, loans 28.5%, aid from Turkey 9.5%). Expenditures: U.S.$293,300,000 (current expenditures 88.3%). Imports (1995): U.S.$366,100,000 (machinery and transport equipment 16.5%, food 10.9%). Major import sources: Turkey 53.2%; U.K. 13.5%. Exports (1995): U.S.$67,300,000 (ready-made garments 35.4%, citrus fruits 32.8%). Major export destinations: U.K. 35.4%; Turkey 30.0%. Health (1995): physicians 272 (1 per 667 persons); hospital beds 902 (1 per 201 persons); infant mortality rate per 1,000 live births 4.9. {1} Includes 50,000 "settlers" from Turkey and 35,000 Turkish military in the TRNC; excludes 3,900 British military in the Sovereign Base Areas (SBA) in the ROC and 1,100 UN peacekeeping forces. {2} Twenty-four seats reserved for Turkish Cypriots are not occupied. {3} Area includes 99 sq mi (256 sq km) of British military SBA and c. 107 sq mi (c. 278 sq km) of the UN Buffer Zone. {4} Excludes British and UN military forces. {5} January 1. {6} ROC only. {7} Imports c.i.f.; exports f.o.b. {8} Mainly cigarettes and consumer electronics. {9} Cyprus Airways. {10} Preliminary figures. {11} 1996.
Meaning of STATISTICS: CYPRUS in English
Britannica English vocabulary. Английский словарь Британика. 2012