Djibouti Official name: Jumhuriyah Jibuti (Arabic); Rpublique de Djibouti (French) (Republic of Djibouti). Form of government: multiparty republic with one legislative house (National Assembly ). Head of state and government: President. Capital: Djibouti. Official languages: Arabic; French. Official religion: none. Monetary unit: 1 Djibouti franc (DF) = 100 centimes; valuation (Sept. 25, 1998) 1 U.S.$ = DF 177.72; 1 = DF 302.57. Demography Population (1998): 652,000{1}. Density (1998): persons per sq mi 72.8, persons per sq km 28.1. Urban-rural (1995): urban 82.8%; rural 17.2%. Sex distribution (1997): male 51.62%; female 48.38%. Age breakdown (1997): under 15, 42.7%; 15-29, 25.9%; 30-44, 15.1%; 45-59, 11.7%; 60-74, 4.0%; 75 and over, 0.6%. Population projection: (2000) 687,000; (2010) 866,000. Doubling time: 32 years. Ethnic composition (1983): Somali 61.7%, of which Issa 33.4%, Gadaboursi 15.0%, Issaq 13.3%; Afar 20.0%; Arab (mostly Yemeni) 6.0%; European 4.0%; other (refugees) 8.3%. Religious affiliation (1995): Sunni Muslim 97.2%; Christian 2.8%, of which Roman Catholic 2.2%, Orthodox 0.5%, Protestant 0.1%. Major city and towns (1989): Djibouti 383,000{2}; 'Ali Sabih 4,000; Tadjoura 3,500; Dikhil 3,000. Vital statistics Birth rate per 1,000 population (1997): 42.0 (world avg. 25.0). Death rate per 1,000 population (1997): 15.0 (world avg. 9.3). Natural increase rate per 1,000 population (1997): 27.0 (world avg. 15.7). Total fertility rate (avg. births per childbearing woman; 1997): 6.0. Marriage rate per 1,000 population (1982): 6.7. Divorce rate per 1,000 population (1982): 1.9. Life expectancy at birth (1997): male 48.6 years; female 52.6 years. Major causes of death (percentage of total deaths [infants and children to age 10, district of Djibouti only]; 1984): diarrhea and acute dehydration 16.0%; malnutrition 16.0%; poisoning 11.0%; tuberculosis 6.0%; acute respiratory disease 6.0%; malaria 6.0%; anemia 6.0%; heart disease 2.0%; kidney disease 1.0%; other ailments 19.0%; no diagnosis 11.0%. National economy Budget (1996){3}. Revenue: DF 25,395,000,000 (tax revenue 92.5%, of which domestic taxes [construction, gambling, market fees, licenses] 33.5%, wages and salary tax 14.5%, surcharge on khat 8.8%, income and profit tax 6.4%; nontax revenue 7.5%). Expenditures: DF 30,430,000,000 (current expenditures 88.7%, of which defense and mobilization 23.2%, education 9.8%, health 4.9%; capital expenditures 11.3%). Tourism (1993): receipts from visitors U.S.$13,000,000; expenditures by nationals abroad U.S.$15,000,000. Production (metric tons except as noted). Agriculture, forestry, fishing (1997): vegetables and melons 22,390, of which tomatoes 1,000, eggplant 45; livestock (number of live animals) 507,000 goats, 470,000 sheep, 190,000 cattle, 62,000 camels, 8,200 asses; roundwood, n.a.; fish catch (1995) 350. Mining and quarrying: mineral production limited to locally used construction materials and evaporated salt. Manufacturing (1991): structural detail, n.a.; main products include furniture, nonalcoholic beverages, meat and hides, light electromechanical goods, and mineral water. Construction (1989): 53,900 sq m. Energy production (consumption): electricity (kW-hr; 1994) 185,000,000 (185,000,000); firewood and charcoal, n.a. (n.a.){4}; coal, none (n.a.); crude petroleum, none (n.a.); petroleum products (metric tons; 1994) none (127,000); natural gas, none (n.a.); geothermal, wind, and solar resources are substantial but largely undeveloped. Population economically active (1991): total 282,000; activity rate of total population 61.5% (participation rates: over age 10, 70.4%; female 40.8%; unemployed c. 40-50%). Household income and expenditure. Average household size (1985){5} 7.2; income per household: n.a.; sources of income (1976): wages and salaries 51.6%, self-employment 36.0%, transfer payments 10.5%, other 1.9%; expenditure (expatriate households; 1984): food 50.3%, energy 13.1%, recreation 10.4%, housing 6.4%, clothing 1.7%, personal effects 1.4%, health care 1.0%, household goods 0.3%, other 15.4%. Public debt (external, outstanding; 1996): U.S.$226,000,000. Gross national product (1996): U.S.$485,000,000 (U.S.$790 per capita). Land use (1994): forested 0.9%; meadows and pastures 56.1%; agricultural and under permanent cultivation{6}; built-on, wasteland, and other 43.0%. Foreign trade Imports (1996): U.S.$200,500,000 (food, beverages, khat, and tobacco 41.3%; machinery and electric appliances 19.0%; petroleum products 8.0%; clothing and footwear 7.6%; chemical products 4.8%; base metals and base metal products 4.8%; transport equipment 3.4%). Major import sources: France 15.0%; Ethiopia 10.9%; Italy 7.8%; Saudi Arabia 7.5%; U.K. 6.0%. Exports (1996): U.S.$39,600,000 (1991; unspecified special transactions 71.7%; live animals [including camels] 15.5%; food and food products 12.8%). Major export destinations: Ethiopia 44.8%; Somalia 38.2%; Yemen 8.2%; Saudi Arabia 3.3%. Transport Transport. Railroads (1995): length (1989) 66 mi, 106 km; passenger-mi 173,000,000, passenger-km 279,000,000; short ton-mile cargo 187,000,000{7}, metric ton-km cargo 273,000,000{7}. Roads (1995): total length 1,796 mi, 2,890 km (paved 13%). Vehicles (1994): passenger cars 13,500; trucks and buses 3,000. Merchant marine (1992): vessels (100 gross tons and over) 10; total deadweight tonnage 4,090. Air transport (1995){8}: passengers handled 120,145; metric tons of freight handled 12,291; airports (1997) with scheduled flights 1. Education and health Educational attainment: n.a. Literacy (1995): percentage of population age 15 and over literate 46.2%; males literate 60.3%; females literate 32.7%. Health (1989): physicians 97 (1 per 5,258 persons); hospital beds{9} 1,383 (1 per 369 persons); infant mortality rate per 1,000 live births (1997) 105. Food (1995) daily per capita caloric intake 1,831 (vegetable products 88%, animal products 12%); 79% of FAO recommended minimum requirement. Military Total active duty personnel (1997): 9,600{10} (army 83.3%, navy 2.1%, air force 2.1%, paramilitary 12.5%). Military expenditure as percentage of GNP (1995): 4.5% (world 2.8%); per capita expenditure U.S.$52. {1} Includes 70,000-100,000 refugees and illegal immigrants. {2} 1995 estimate. {3} Preliminary. {4} Represents about 15% of total energy consumption. {5} City of Djibouti only. {6} In 1988-89 only 1,005 acres (407 hectares) of land were cultivated. {7} Based on total weight of Ethiopian exports and imports transported to and from the port of Djibouti. {8} Djibouti International Airport only. {9} Public health facilities only. {10} Excludes 3,900 French troops.
Meaning of STATISTICS: DJIBOUTI in English
Britannica English vocabulary. Английский словарь Британика. 2012