Meaning of STATISTICS: MACEDONIA in English

Macedonia Official name{1}: Republika Makedonija (Republic of Macedonia). Form of government: unitary multiparty republic with a unicameral legislative (Assembly ). Head of state: President. Head of government: Prime Minister. Capital: Skopje. Official language: Macedonian. Official religion: none. Monetary unit{2}: denar; valuation (Sept. 25, 1998) 1 U.S.$ = 52.13 denar; 1 = 88.75 denar. Demography Population (1998): 2,023,000. Density (1998): persons per sq mi 203.8, persons per sq km 78.7. Urban-rural (1994): urban 58.7%; rural 41.3%. Sex distribution (1994): male 50.39%; female 49.61%. Age breakdown (1994): under 15, 24.8%; 15-29, 24.1%; 30-44, 22.3%; 45-59, 15.8%; 60-74, 10.6%; 75 and over, 2.4%. Population projection: (2000) 2,064,000; (2010) 2,157,000. Ethnic composition (1994): Macedonian 66.5%; Albanian 22.9%; Turkish 4.0%; Gypsy 2.0%; Serb 2.0%; other 2.6%. Religious affiliation (1995): Serbian (Macedonian) Orthodox 54.2%; Sunni Muslim 30.0%; other 15.8%. Major cities (1994): Skopje 440,577; Bitola 75,386; Prilep 67,371; Kumanovo 66,237; Tetovo 50,376. Vital statistics Birth rate per 1,000 population (1995): 14.9. (world avg. 25.0); legitimate 91.5%; illegitimate 8.5%. Death rate per 1,000 population (1995): 7.6 (world avg. 9.3). Natural increase rate per 1,000 population (1995): 7.3 (world avg. 15.7). Total fertility rate (avg. births per childbearing woman; 1995): 2.0. Marriage rate per 1,000 population (1994): 7.6. Life expectancy at birth (1995): male 68.8 years; female 75.0 years. Major causes of death per 100,000 population (1993): diseases of the circulatory system 385.8; accidents, violence, and poisoning 35.3; diseases of the respiratory system 34.5; diseases of the digestive system 14.8. National economy Budget (1995). Revenue: 64,254,000,000 denar{2} (social security contributions 32.6%, excises taxes 19.1%, income and profits tax 17.3%, sales tax 12.3%). Expenditure: 66,032,000,000 denar{2} (pensions 24.1%, wages and salaries 22.7%, health 13.3%). Tourism (1994): receipts from visitors U.S.$21,000,000; expenditures by nationals abroad U.S.$23,000,000. Production (metric tons except as noted). Agriculture, forestry, fishing (1996): wheat 269,000, grapes 215,000, potatoes 157,000, corn (maize) 143,000; livestock (number of live animals) 2,320,000 sheep, 283,000 cattle, 175,000 pigs, 5,000,000 poultry; roundwood (1996) 774,000 cu m; fish catch (1995) 1,570 (all freshwater). Mining and quarrying (1995): copper ore 2,000,000; lead-zinc ore 430,000; refined silver 10,000 kilograms. Manufacturing (1995): cement 523,499; steel sheets 40,878; wool yarn 3,863; refrigerators 56,148 units; leather footwear 1,120,000 pairs; cotton fabric 15,525,000 sq m; cigarettes 10,615,000 units. Construction (residential, 1994): 348,004 sq m. Energy production (consumption): electricity (kW-hr; 1994) 5,924,000,000 (5,359,000,000); coal (metric tons; 1994) 6,900,000 (6,959,000); crude petroleum (barrels; 1993) none (8,063,000); petroleum products (metric tons; 1992) 556,000 (823,000): natural gas (cu m; 1993) none (269,100,000). Population economically active (1995): total 596,600; activity rate 30.8% (participation rates: ages 15-64 98.1%; female 25.5%; unemployed 32.0%). Gross national product (1996): U.S.$1,956,000,000 (U.S.$990 per capita). External debt (1996): U.S.$863,000,000. Land use (1994): forested 38.9%; meadows and pastures 24.7%; agricultural and under permanent cultivation 25.7%; other 10.7%. Household income and expenditure (1994). Average household size 3.8; income per household Din 49,635{2} (U.S.$1,223); sources of income: wages and salaries 59.9%, transfers payments 17.0%, transfers from abroad 13.4%, other 9.7%; expenditure: food 42.2%, fuel and lighting 7.5%, clothing and footwear 7.4%, transportation and communications 7.2%, drink and tobacco 7.0%, health care 4.7%, education and entertainment 3.2%. Foreign trade Imports (1995): U.S.$1,439,000,000 (machinery and transport equipment 19.0%, food products 17.0%, manufactured products 16.0%, chemical products 12.0%, petroleum products 12.0%). Major import sources: Germany 15.0%; Russia 8.0%; Bulgaria 7.0%; Italy 7.0%; U.K. 5.0%; Albania 4.0%. Exports (1995): U.S.$1,204,000,000 (manufactured products 35.0%, machinery and transport equipment 13.0%, food products 11.0%, raw materials 8.0%, chemical products 6.0%). Major export destinations: Germany 13.0%; U.K. 7.0%; Italy 5.0%; Russia 4.0%. Transport Transport. Railroads (1994): length 573 mi, 922 km; passenger-mi 41,642,000, passenger-km 67,000,000; short ton-mi cargo 103,426,000, metric ton-km cargo 151,000,000. Roads (1994): length 5,233 mi, 8,422 km (paved 62%). Vehicles (1994): passenger cars 263,181; trucks and buses 22,825. Merchant marine: n.a. Air transport (1993){3}: passenger-mi 181,671,190, passenger-km 292,372,000; metric tons cargo transported 625; airports (1997) with scheduled flights 2. Education and health Educational attainment (1981). Percentage of population age 15 and over having: less than full primary education 45.3%; primary 28.1%; secondary 21.2%; postsecondary and higher 5.1%; unknown 0.3%. Literacy (1981): total population age 10 and over literate 1,365,000 (89.1%); males literate 729,000 (94.2%); females literate 636,000 (83.8%). Health (1994): physicians 4,505 (1 per 437 persons); hospital beds 10,644 (1 per 195 persons); (1995) infant mortality rate per 1,000 live births 27.3. Military Total active duty personnel (1997): 15,400 (army 100%). Military expenditure as percentage of GNP (1995): 3.3% (world 2.8%); per capita expenditure U.S.$30. {1} Member of the United Nations under the name The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. {2} Macedonia left the Yugoslav currency area in September 1991, utilizing a local coupon alone until May 1992, when a transitional local currency, the denar, was introduced. The denar (valued initially at denar 255 = 1 U.S.$) circulated in parallel with the coupon until May 1993, when a differently defined denar was introduced, replacing both the transitional denar and the coupon. {3} Palair Macedonian airline only.

Britannica English vocabulary.      Английский словарь Британика.