Serbo-Croatian Josip Juraj trossmajer born Feb. 4, 1815, Osijek, Slavonia died April 8, 1905, akovo Croatian Roman Catholic bishop who inspired and led the National Party, which was dedicated to the development of a strong Yugoslav nationalist movement. Ordained in 1838, Strossmayer became lecturer in theology at Vienna and chaplain to the Austrian emperor. In 1850 he was installed at akovo, with the title bishop of Bosnia and Sirmium. A firm patriot, Strossmayer fostered the growth of Slavonic nationalism in Croatia-Slavonia, in Dalmatia, and among the Slovenes of south Austria. After aiding the Croatian political and military leader Josip Jelacic in his campaign against Hungary (184849), Strossmayer later became a recognized leader of the opposition to Hungarian predominance over and interference with Croatian national interests. He was a member of the Croatian Diet (legislative assembly) from 1860 to 1873. In addition to being the foremost founder of a new university, the South Slav Academy, in 1876, he helped reorganize the whole educational system of Dalmatia and Croatia-Slavonia. Strossmayer built an episcopal palace and a cathedral at akovo, founded a seminary for the Bosnian Croats, donated a gallery of valuable pictures to the South Slav Academy, and published a number of collections of national songs and tales. He also erected convents, schools, and libraries. Strossmayer aided the historian and canonist Augustin Theiner, then librarian at the Vatican, to compile his Vetera Monumenta Slavorum Meridionalium Historiam Illustrantia (1863; Ancient Evidences Illustrating the History of the Southern Slavs). At the first Vatican Council (186970) he was a leading opponent of papal infallibility. He also worked with the Russian ecumenist Vladimir Sergeyevich Solovyov for a reunion of the Roman Catholic and Russian Orthodox churches.
Britannica English vocabulary. Английский словарь Британика. 2012