The Deposition of Christ, oil on canvas by Caravaggio, 160204; in the Vatican in the history of Western painting, the use of extreme contrasts of light and dark in figurative compositions to heighten their dramatic effect. (The term is derived from the Latin tenebrae, darkness.) In tenebrist paintings the figures are often portrayed against a background of intense darkness, but the figures themselves are illuminated by a bright, searching light that sets off their three-dimensional forms by a harsh but exquisitely controlled chiaroscuro (q.v.). The technique was introduced by the Italian painter Caravaggio (1571?1610) and was taken up in the early 17th century by painters influenced by him, including the French painter Georges de La Tour, the Dutch painters Gerrit van Honthorst and Hendrik Terbrugghen, and the Spanish painter Francisco de Zurbarn.
Meaning of TENEBRISM in English
Britannica English vocabulary. Английский словарь Британика. 2012