Meaning of TOGON-TEMR in English

posthumous name Shun-ti born 1320, China died 1370, China last emperor (reigned 133368) of the Yan (Mongol) dynasty in China, under whom the population was provoked into rebellion. Togon-temr became emperor at the age of 13 but proved to be a weak ruler who preferred to spend his time exploring the religious cult of Lamaism and dallying with his harem rather than governing the country. In the early years of his reign, power was held by the anti-Chinese minister Bayan, who suspended the civil-service examinations, prohibited Chinese from wearing certain colours or using certain ideographs, and even proposed mass execution of Chinese on the basis of their names. Bayan's discriminatory policies, together with the deteriorating economic situation of the country, caused widespread rebellion. In 1339 the minister was banished and many of his policies reversed. But the emperor still showed little interest in governing, and the situation continued to deteriorate. Togon-temr's son, the heir apparent, became alarmed at the increasing power his father was putting into the hands of Buddhist priests and eunuchs and plotted unsuccessfully to depose him. In 1368, when the foremost rebel leader, Chu Yan-chang (132898), advanced on the capital at Peking, Togon-temr disregarded appeals urging him to stay and defend his inheritance. Instead he fled into the steppes of Inner Asia, ending the dynasty. He was given the posthumous name of Hui tsung (Gracious Ancestor) by the Mongols but is usually known as Shun-ti (Favourable Emperor), a title given him by the Ming dynasty (13681644).

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