Meaning of TREE SHREW in English

any of the small, squirrellike mammals constituting the family Tupaiidae, found in forests of Southeast Asia. Tree shrews show resemblances to both the primates and the insectivores; depending on the authority, they may be classified in either of these orders. Despite the name, tree shrews may be either terrestrial or arboreal. They have pointed noses, long tails, and (unlike the typical primates) sharp, curved claws. Total length ranges from about 20 cm (8 inches) to more than 35 cm, and the colour is gray, brown, or reddish brown, with shoulder or face markings in some species. Tree shrews are diurnal. They feed on insects, fruit, and some small animals, and they nest in tree hollows or holes in the ground. They usually bear one or two young; gestation periods, for those in which they are known, are about 47 to 56 days. There are five genera and about 15 species of tree shrews. Among these are the common tree shrews (Tupaia) and the feather- or pen-tailed tree shrews (Ptilocercus), in which the tail is naked and ends in a single, featherlike tuft.

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