partido (political subdivision), Gran (Greater) Buenos Aires, Argentina, immediately west of the city of Buenos Aires, in Buenos Aires province. The partido is named for the Battle of Caseros on Feb. 3, 1852, in which the Argentine military ruler Juan Manuel de Rosas was defeated. Early settlement of Tres de Febrero focussed on two sites, those of present-day Santos Lugares and of the battle. In 1799 Bernardo Casero built the Palomar de Caseros, his home, which was the site of the 1852 battle and later of the town of Caseros. The settlement around Santos Lugares centred on an 18th-century mission and chapel dedicated to Jess Amoroso. The area of present-day Tres de Febrero was part of Morn partido until 1864, then was included in the partido of San Martn (later General San Martn) until 1959, when the partido of Tres de Febrero was created out of General San Martn. Tres de Febrero covers 18 sq mi (46 sq km) and is bordered by the national capital (southeast); the partidos of General San Martn (northeast), La Matanza and Morn (southwest), and General Sarmiento (northwest); and also by the Ro (river) de la Reconquista (northwest). Besides the cabecera (principal built-up area) of Caseros, the major localities in the partido are Santos Lugares, Lourdes, and Billinghurst. The industries of Tres de Febrero produce metal goods, glass, paper, textiles, pharmaceuticals, perfume, and bricks. The National Military College is located in Caseros, as is a museum dedicated to the Battle of Caseros. With the growth of the national capital, the partido has been absorbed into the western suburbs of Gran Buenos Aires, and it lies entirely within the Gran Buenos Aires urban area. Its population density is the third highest among the Gran Buenos Aires partidos. It is served by two major railway lines, running west-northwest from Buenos Aires, and by the national highway system. Pop. (1980) 345,424.
Meaning of TRES DE FEBRERO in English
Britannica English vocabulary. Английский словарь Британика. 2012