born July 20, 1868, Salta, Argentina died April 29, 1932, Paris, France Argentine soldier and statesman who led the military coup that in September 1930 overthrew the liberal regime of President Hiplito Irigoyen and restored the old landed oligarchy to the political power it had lost after the revolution of 1916. German militarist ideas and Benito Mussolini's corporate state idea were said to be his models for a new Argentina. Uriburu was a member of the Argentine landed aristocracy and a nephew of President Jos Evaristo Uriburu. Educated at the military college of Argentina, he was an enthusiastic soldier and a firm believer in the rights and privileges of his class. In 1890, as a junior officer, he was the cofounder of a military secret society dedicated to preserving the political ascendency of his class in Argentina. In 1893 he became military aide-de-camp to his uncle, then vice president, and in 1896 he served on the joint Argentine-Chilean commission established to settle long-standing boundary disputes existing between the two countries. In 1902 he went to Germany, where he served as a member of the kaiser's imperial guard, becoming an ardent admirer of Prussian militarism. In 1907 he became director of the Superior School for War, returning the following year to Germany. He was made a member of the Supreme Council of War and the Navy in 1919 and, in 1923, inspector general of the Argentine army. He retired from the army in 1929. In 1930, during the Great Depression, Uriburu led an army revolt against President Irigoyen, becoming provisional president of Argentina in September of that year. In December he denounced the liberal-radical Irigoyen's prolabour legislation and demanded that a selected elite replace the liberal-radical democratic order that had governed since 1916. Shortly after this speech, he removed all radical-democratic leaders from their national and provincial administrative posts, dissolved the Argentine national legislature (a measure without precedent), reformed the constitution and election law, and refused to allow the liberal-radicals to participate in politics. In 1931 he arranged for a fraudulent presidential election that was designed to ensure the oligarchy's continued control of Argentine politics and then stepped down in favour of a fellow officer, Agustn P. Justo, who had greater support among army officers.
Meaning of URIBURU, JOS FLIX in English
Britannica English vocabulary. Английский словарь Британика. 2012