born Nov. 26, 1832, near Oswego, N.Y., U.S. died Feb. 21, 1919, Oswego American physician and reformer who is thought to have been the only woman surgeon formally engaged for field duty during the Civil War. Walker overcame many obstacles in graduating from the Syracuse (New York) Medical College in 1855. After a few months in Columbus, Ohio, she established a practice in Rome, New York, and married Albert Miller, also a physician, with whom she practiced but whose name she did not take; the couple separated in 1859 and finally divorced 10 years later. Walker had from an early age been interested in dress reform and became an ardent follower of Amelia Bloomer in the cause. At the outbreak of the Civil War, she traveled to Washington, D.C., to offer her services. She worked as a volunteer nurse in the Patent Office Hospital there while attempting to gain a regular appointment to the army medical service. In 1862 Walker took time away from Washington to earn a degree from the New York Hygeio-Therapeutic College in New York City. In that year she began working in the field, and in September 1863 she was appointed assistant surgeon in the Army of the Cumberland by General George H. Thomas. Walker was apparently the only woman so engaged in the Civil War. She was assigned to the 52nd Ohio Regiment in Tennessee, and she quickly adopted standard officers' uniform, suitably modified. From April to August 1864 she was a prisoner in Richmond, Virginia. In October she was given a contract as "acting assistant surgeon," but she was assigned to a women's prison hospital and then to an orphanage. She left government service in June 1865 and a short time later was awarded a Medal of Honor. Walker was elected president of the National Dress Reform Association in 1866 and for some years thereafter was closely associated with Belva A. Lockwood in various reform movements. Feminist organizations widely publicized Walker's Civil War service, but she became estranged from them over the years because of her growing eccentricity. She wore full male attire, complete to wing collar, bow tie, and top hat. Often arrested for masquerading as a man, she claimed that she had been granted permission to dress so by Congress; no record of any such explicit action exists. Her view of the suffrage question was that the Constitution had already given the vote to women and that the legislation sought by organized suffragists was therefore pointless. Walker published two books, the partly autobiographical Hit (1871) and Unmasked, or the Science of Immortality (1878). After 1886 she was known to occasionally exhibit herself in dime-museum sideshows. She wore her Medal of Honor constantly, even after it was revoked by an army board in 1917 (as were hundreds of others) because there was no record of the occasion of its award. A fall on the steps of the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C., left her infirm to the time of her death.
Meaning of WALKER, MARY EDWARDS in English
Britannica English vocabulary. Английский словарь Британика. 2012