device for determining the distance between successive wavefronts of equal phase along an electromagnetic wave. The determination is often made indirectly, by measuring the frequency of the wave. Although electromagnetic wavelengths are different in different propagation media, wavemeters are conventionally calibrated on the assumption that the wave is moving in free space-i.e., at 299,792,458 metres per second. Wavelength can then be determined according to an equation in which wavelength (l) is equal to the speed of propagation (c) divided by the frequency of vibration (f), given in hertz. Frequencies of between 50 kHz and 1,000 MHz are usually measured by means of a tuned inductance-capacitance circuit. Values of inductance (L) and capacitance (C) being calibrated, frequency can be determined using the formula 1/2p. For measuring higher frequencies, wavemeters make use of such devices as coaxial lines or cavity resonators as tuned elements. One of the simplest is the Lecher wire wavemeter, a circuit containing a sliding (moving) short circuit. By finding two points at which the short circuit gives maximum absorption of the signal, it is possible to measure directly a distance equal to one-half of a wavelength.
Meaning of WAVEMETER in English
Britannica English vocabulary. Английский словарь Британика. 2012