Meaning of BUTTERFINGERS in English

[noun] [C] [plural] butterfingers humorous - a person who drops things they are carrying or trying to catch"Butterfingers!" she called as I dropped the hot plates. [as form of address] butterfly [noun] [C] - a type of insect with large often brightly coloured wingsThe zoo has a large collection of butterflies.(figurative) Melanie is a social butterfly (= a person only interested in pleasure).See picture: InsectsA butterfly is also the small metal part put on the back of a stud (= piece of jewellery worn in the ear) that keeps it in place.(informal) If you say you have butterflies (in your stomach) you mean you are feeling very nervous, usually about something you are about to do.The butterfly or butterfly stroke is a way of swimming on your front by kicking with your legs while raising your arms together out of the water and then bringing them down in front of you.

Cambridge English vocab.      Кембриджский английский словарь.