[verb] [T] [past simple] strewed, [past participle] strewn or strewed - to scatter (things) untidily over a surface, or to be scattered untidily over (a surface)The bomb was very large and had strewn wreckage over a wide area.They marked the end of the war by strewing flowers over the graves of 18 000 soldiers.Wine bottles and dirty dishes were strewn across the lawn.Villagers are still clearing away the glass strewn over the streets and trying to assess the cost of the damage.The burglar had been through all her drawers looking for jewellery, and her clothes lay strewn on the floor.The path from the church to their waiting car was strewn with flowers.(figurative) The path to a lasting peace settlement is strewn with difficulties.Local residents complained that the park was strewn with litter after the concert.Television has made us all too familiar with the rubble-strewn streets of the numerous war zones around the world.One of the first things I noticed about New York was its trash-strewn streets.
Meaning of STREW in English
Cambridge English vocab. Кембриджский английский словарь. 2012