Meaning of STREW in English



wreckage is strewn/scattered/spread

The wreckage was strewn over a large area.




Odd pieces of broken and split machinery were strewn about or propped against the walls.

There was socialist literature strewn about .

Diving below the dusky water's surface I see twenty chairs or so strewn about on the pool floor.

Information baubles and still usable pop-culture tidbits are strewn about .

And there are flowers in their hair and loose yellow flowers strewn about under their bare feet on the ground.

We were at a little secluded cove, with large boulders strewn about , the debris of some long-past hillside.

The 1995 team saw body parts strewn about callously by the robbers in their mad quest for anything of value.

All the signs of this malaise are here, strewn about like empty Guinness cans on a Sunday morning.


It's not so much the snow; more the salt that gets strewn around .

The land was flatter here and there were fewer boulders strewn around .

There were clothes strewn around on the floor.

The interior of the stricken aircraft was chaotic, with the passengers' belongings strewn around clogging the gangway.

There are also diamonds strewn around the landscape: collecting 100 earns Turry a continue-play.

Depleted uranium shells used by the Allies are strewn around .

Houshold rubbish and builders waste strewn around some of the most picturesque parts of the forest.


The wreckage was strewn over an area of 150-yard radius, confirming the official's description.



The room was strewn with clothes and shoes and bags and stank like a school cloakroom.


Diamonds and rare jewels were strewn across the floor as if they had been there for millennia.

I followed him to a room in which bundles of magazines lay strewn on the floor .

The lilac tablecloths were still strewn across the floor where they had been pulled to the ground.

Lots of half-chewed Yorkie plastic distractions are strewn across the floor .

There were clothes strewn around on the floor .

I picked my way through the remains of the cat biryani strewed across the floor .

Empty food dishes were strewn across the floor and two milk bottles were in the bath, one full of solidified milk.

Champagne bottles were strewn about the floor .


Have you any tips to help me or warnings of difficulties that strew my path ?

Crises will strew his path to test his mettle.


Diamonds and rare jewels were strewn across the floor as if they had been there for millennia.

Diving below the dusky water's surface I see twenty chairs or so strewn about on the pool floor.

I went into the bedroom first and saw all the drawers pulled out, the clothes strewn everywhere.

Now, outside tightly packed row houses in Boston, Cambridge and Somerville, the streets are strewn with debris.

Odd pieces of broken and split machinery were strewn about or propped against the walls.

Scabbards, broken arms, artillery horses, wrecks of gun carriages, and bloody garments strewed the scene.

There was socialist literature strewn about.

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