[adjective] -er, -estI was so tired (= in need of rest or sleep) when I got home from work last night.Are you getting tired? Shall we stop for a while?You'll have to excuse Joanna - she's feeling rather tired and emotional at the moment.My legs are tired.She spoke in a tired voice.We were all really tired out (= very much in need of rest or sleep) after our long journey.(figurative) I'm (sick and) tired of (= bored with) doing the same job, day after day.(figurative) I'm (sick and) tired of (= have lost patience with) you telling me what to do all the time.(figurative disapproving) He's always coming out with the same tired excuses/clichés/ideas (= saying things which are not original).(figurative disapproving) It's always the same tired old faces/people (= people who are uninteresting because they are very familiar) at these meetings.(UK humorous) Tired and emotional is also sometimes used to avoid saying drunk.
Meaning of TIRED in English
Cambridge English vocab. Кембриджский английский словарь. 2012