the act of annoying
devoted himself to the annoyance of his patient wife
Synonyms: bothering, harassment, irking, provocation, provoking, vexation, vexing
Related Word: pestering, teasing
the state or feeling of being annoyed
her annoyance increased as he continued to pester her
Synonyms: aggravation, bother, botheration, exasperation, pother
Related Word: anger, indignation, ire, wrath; aversion, repugnance, repulsion, revulsion; disgust, dislike, distaste
Contrasted words: appreciation, enjoyment, liking, pleasure
something that causes an annoyed state or feeling
his constant baiting was an annoyance to her
Synonyms: besetment, bother, botheration, botherment, exasperation, irritant, nuisance, pest, pester, ||pesterment, plague
Related Word: affliction, aggravation, distress, provocation, trial; riding