I. verb
to bring to a halt
science cannot yet arrest the process of aging
Synonyms: check, halt, interrupt, stall, stay; compare stop 3
Related Word: balk, frustrate, thwart; choke, obstruct, stop (up); delay, detain, hamper, hinder, restrain, retard; interfere, interpose, intervene; contain, stem, withstand
Idioms: bring to a halt ( or stand or standstill), bring up short, check in full career, cut short
Contrasted words: advance, forward, further, promote; expedite, hasten, quicken, speed
to take and hold in custody under authority of the law
arrested for murder
Synonyms: apprehend, ||bust, detain, nab, pick up, pinch, pull in, run in; compare catch 1
Related Word: immure, imprison, incarcerate, jail, lock (up), ||slough; attach
Idioms: lay by the heels, lay hands on
Contrasted words: discharge, free, liberate, release
II. noun
the taking and holding of a person in custody under authority of the law
unwilling to submit to arrest
Synonyms: apprehension, arrestation, arrestment, ||bust, detention, ||nab, pickup, pinch
Related Word: capture, catch, collar, seizure, taking
Contrasted words: discharge, freeing, liberation, release