Synonyms: clumsy 1, gawky, lumbering, lumpish, splathering, splay, ungainly
Related Word: blundering, bumbling, bungling; clownish, lubberly, oafish; cumbrous, hulking, ponderous
Idioms: all thumbs
marked by a lack of grace, ease, skill, or fitness (as in action or speech)
his awkward approach to the problem
Synonyms: bumbling, clumsy, gauche, halting, ham-handed, heavy-handed, inept, lumbering, maladroit, unhandy, unhappy, wooden; compare clumsy 1
Related Word: rigid, stiff; discomfited, disconcerted, embarrassed; bunglesome, bungling, inefficient, inexpert, unskillful
Contrasted words: adept, adroit, dexterous, expert, finished, polished, proficient, skilled, skillful, smooth; easy, effortless, facile, simple
Antonyms: deft; graceful
Synonyms: inconvenient , discommoding, discommodious, embarrassing, incommodious
Synonyms: infelicitous , graceless, ill-chosen, inept, unfortunate, unhappy