Meaning of AWKWARD in English

[awk.ward] adj [ME awkeward in the wrong direction, fr. awke turned the wrong way, fr. ON ofugr; akin to OHG abuh turned the wrong way] (1530) 1 obs: perverse

2. archaic: unfavorable, adverse 3 a: lacking dexterity or skill (as in the use of hands) "~ with a needle and thread" b: showing the result of a lack of expertness "~ pictures"

4. a: lacking ease or grace (as of movement or expression) b: lacking the right proportions, size, or harmony of parts: ungainly

5. a: lacking social grace and assurance b: causing embarrassment "an ~ moment"

6: not easy to handle or deal with: requiring great skill, ingenuity, or care "an ~ load" "an ~ diplomatic situation" -- adv -- awk.ward.ness n syn awkward, clumsy, maladroit, inept, gauche mean not marked by ease (as of performance, movement, or social conduct). awkward is widely applicable and may suggest unhandiness, inconvenience, lack of muscular control, embarrassment, or lack of tact "periods of awkward silence". clumsy implies stiffness and heaviness and so may connote inflexibility, unwieldiness, or lack of ordinary skill "a clumsy mechanic". maladroit suggests a tendency to create awkward situations "a maladroit politician". inept often implies complete failure or inadequacy "a hopelessly inept defense attorney". gauche implies the effects of shyness, inexperience, or ill breeding "felt gauche and unsophisticated at formal parties".

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