able to withstand strain without being permanently affected or injured
a rubber band is elastic
Synonyms: flexible, resilient, springy, stretch, stretchy, supple, whippy
Related Word: ductile, malleable, pliable, pliant, plastic, rubberlike, rubbery; adaptable, moldable, stretchable, yielding; bouncy, limber, lithe
Contrasted words: brittle; inflexible, stiff, tense
Antonyms: rigid
able to recover quickly from depression and maintain high spirits
had an elastic optimistic nature
Synonyms: airy, bouncy, buoyant, effervescent, expansive, resilient, volatile
Related Word: animated, gay, lively, sprightly, vivacious; ebullient, high-spirited, mettlesome, soaring, spirited; adaptable, recuperative
Contrasted words: blue, dejected, depressed, gloomy, melancholy, sad; flaccid, limp