musical agreement of sounds
singing in harmony
Synonyms: accord, chorus, concert, concord, consonance, tune
Related Word: mellifluousness, melodiousness, melody, musicality, sonority, tunefulness; diapason, polyphony
Contrasted words: cacophony, discord, discordance, discordancy, dissonance, harshness, inharmoniousness, jangle, stridency, tunelessness, unharmoniousness, unmusicalness, untunefulness; atonality
Antonyms: disharmony, inharmony
the effect produced when different things come together without clashing or disagreement
goals that are in harmony with our capabilities
Synonyms: accord, agreement, chime, concord, concordance, consonance, tune; compare consistency
Related Word: conformance, conformity, correspondence; articulation, coaptation, compatibility, congruity; concatenation, concurrence, integration, oneness, togetherness, unity
Contrasted words: disagreement, discord, disparity, dissidence, disunity, variance
Antonyms: conflict
the state of persons who are in full and perfect agreement
friends who live in harmony
Synonyms: concord, rapport, unity
Related Word: affinity, empathy, fellow-feeling, kinship; peace, tranquillity
Idioms: meeting of minds
Contrasted words: contention, dissension, strife
Antonyms: discord
Synonyms: symmetry , balance, proportion
Related Word: concinnity, consonance; dignity, elegance, grace; integrity, unity
Contrasted words: asymmetry, discordance, discordancy, imbalance
Antonyms: inharmony