exceeding the limits of what is normal or tolerable
outrageous prices that threaten our way of life
Synonyms: barbarous, unchristian, uncivilized, unconscionable, ungodly, unholy, wicked
Related Word: abominable, awful, beastly, dreadful, ghastly, horrible, horrid, impossible, intolerable, terrible, unreasonable; scandalous, shocking
Contrasted words: normal, reasonable, tolerable; acceptable, bearable, endurable, supportable
enormously or flagrantly bad or horrible
outrageous treatment of prisoners
Synonyms: atrocious, crying, desperate, heinous, monstrous, scandalous, shocking
Related Word: enormous, flagrant, gross; egregious, nefarious, notorious, villainous
Contrasted words: condonable, excusable, forgivable, pardonable; defensible, justifiable; legitimate, reasonable; comprehensible, plausible, understandable