adj. 1 excessive, extravagant, immoderate, exorbitant, enormous, unreasonable, preposterous, shocking, extreme, unwarranted, exaggerated, unconscionable, inordinate, intolerable, disgraceful, shameful, scandalous The prices at that restaurant are absolutely outrageous 2 vicious, cruel, heinous, atrocious, barbaric, inhuman, abusive, beastly, horrible, horrid, horrendous, iniquitous, villainous, wicked, evil, egregious, flagrant, grievous, infamous, execrable, abominable, grisly, hideous, monstrous, vile, unthinkable, foul, awful, unspeakable, appalling, offensive, indecent The captives suffered the most outrageous treatment at the hands of their conquerors 3 indecent, offensive, immoral, rude, indelicate, obnoxious, profane, obscene, dirty, filthy, lewd, salacious, foul, smutty, scatological, pornographic, objectionable, repellent, repulsive, nauseating, nauseous, nasty, gross, revolting, shocking, repugnant, disgusting, fulsome, perverted, depraved, dissolute, degenerate, dissipated, debauched, profligate; explicit, unrestrained; foul-mouthed, thersitical, insulting; unseemly, inappropriate, indecorous, improper, naughty, appalling, embarrassing; Literary Fescennine, US shy-making The sermon denounced the outrageous films, books, magazines, and television programmes to which children are exposed Warren sometimes says the most outrageous things.
Meaning of OUTRAGEOUS in English
Oxford thesaurus English vocab. Английский словарь Оксфорд тезаурус. 2012