adj. 1 unqualified, total, unreserved, unrestricted, full, complete, unconditional, unequivocal, clear, direct, definite, unmistakable or unmistakeable The duke is the outright owner of the property 2 undisguised, unmitigated, utter, consummate, pure, out-and-out, all-out, sheer, absolute, stark, bald, thorough, arrant, thoroughgoing, through-and-through, downright, direct, definite, unmistakable or unmistakeable Her outright refusal to provide further help was met with dismay
adv. 3 directly, at once, immediately, instantaneously, instantly, then and there or there and then, straight or right away, on the spot, right off One passenger was killed outright, the other died later in hospital 4 completely, entirely, exactly, precisely, totally, in toto, utterly, baldly, starkly, consummately, purely, thoroughly, directly, unhesitatingly, quite, absolutely, explicitly, categorically, straightforwardly, plainly, openly, forthrightly, unequivocally, unambiguously, candidly I wish that Henry wasn't so reticent and would say outright what he means 5 unrestrictedly, unqualifiedly, unreservedly, unconditionally The duke owns the property outright