v. Function: verb
Synonyms: APPROVE 1, approbate, countenance, favor, go (for), hold (with)
Related Words: fancy, like, relish; admire, esteem
Contrasted Words: discountenance, disesteem, dislike, disrelish
Antonyms: reject
2 to take or sustain without protest or repining FF1C; a losing candidate must accept the decision of the electorate FF1E;
Synonyms: bear (with), endure, pocket, swallow, tolerate, tough (out); compare BEAR 10
Related Words: acquiesce (in), agree (to or with), assent (to), subscribe (to); respect; bow, capitulate, yield
Idioms: abide by, put up with
Contrasted Words: disavow, disown; brush (aside), deny, reject, repudiate
Synonyms: BELIEVE 1, ||buy, swallow
Synonyms: APPREHEND 1, catch, compass, comprehend, follow, grasp, see, take, take in, understand