adj. Function: adjective
Synonyms: STERILE 1, effete, impotent, infecund, infertile, unfruitful
Related Words: childless, fallow, heirless, issueless
Contrasted Words: pregnant; fertile
Antonyms: fecund
2 deficient in production of vegetation and especially crops FF1C; barren deserts and wastelands FF1E;
Synonyms: hardscrabble, infertile, unbearing, unfertile, unproductive
Related Words: fallow; irreclaimable, uncultivable, unhusbanded, untillable, wild; bleak, depleted, impoverished, poor, worn-out; vegetationless, verdureless; arid, desert, dry, parched
Contrasted Words: arable, fruitful, productive; fat, rich; lush, luxuriant; green, verdant, verdurous
Antonyms: fertile