Meaning of BARREN in English

[] adj [ME bareine, fr. OF baraine] (13c) 1: not reproducing: as a: incapable of producing offspring--used esp. of females or matings b: not yet or not recently pregnant c: habitually failing to fruit

2: not productive: as a: producing little or no vegetation: desolate "~ deserts" b: producing inferior crops "~ soil" c: unproductive of results or gain: fruitless "a ~ scheme"

3: devoid, lacking--used with of "~ of excitement"

4: lacking interest, information, or charm

5: dull, unresponsive syn see bare -- adv -- n

[2]barren n (1651) 1 pl: an extent of usu. level land having an inferior growth of trees or little vegetation

2: a tract of barren land

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