Meaning of BEGIN in English

n. Function: verb

1 to carry out the first act or step of an action or operation FF1C; began his lecture with a joke FF1E;

Synonyms: commence, embark (on or upon), enter, get off, inaugurate, initiate, jump (off), kick off, launch, lead off, open, set to, start, take up, tee off

Related Words: establish, found, institute; introduce, usher in; broach; attack, tackle; prepare; break in; dig in

Idioms: get the show on the road, get to work, get underway

Contrasted Words: cease, desist, discontinue, quit, stop; close, complete, conclude, finish, terminate; abandon, forsake, leave, quit; back out, renege, withdraw

Antonyms: end

2 to come into existence FF1C; not since civilization began has there been such distress FF1E;

Synonyms: arise, commence, originate, start; compare SPRING 1

Related Words: spring; open

Idioms: raise its head

Contrasted Words: end, finish, terminate

Merriam Webster. Collegiate thesaurus English dictionary.      Английский энциклопедический толковый словарь тезауруса.