n. Function: verb
1 to emit a ready flow of inconsequential talk FF1C; chats on the phone for hours FF1E;
Synonyms: babble, burble, cackle, chatter, chin-chin, clack, clatter, ||dish, dither, gab, gabble, ||gas, jaw, ||natter, patter, prate, prattle, rattle, run on, smatter, talk, tinkle, twaddle, twiddle, twitter, yak, yakety-yak, yammer, yatter; compare CONVERSE
Related Words: yap; blab, gossip; gush, lallygag; confabulate
Idioms: beat one's gums, ||chew the fat ( or rag), ||shoot ( or bat) the breeze, ||shoot ( or sling) the bull
Contrasted Words: discourse, expound; declaim, harangue, hold forth, orate, preach
Synonyms: CONVERSE , chin, colloque, talk, visit, yarn