n. 1 conversation, colloquy, talk, small talk, gossip, palaver, chit-chat, tête-à-tête, heart-to-heart, Colloq gab, Chiefly Brit chin-wag, confab, Brit witter, natter, US and Canadian rap, gabfest, bull session We'd get together for a chat every now and then
v. 2 converse, gossip, talk, chit-chat, Colloq gab, chew the fat or the rag, jaw, Brit witter, natter; Slang US and Canadian rap, bullshit We were just chatting when I smelt something burning 3 Brit chat up. flirt or dally with, persuade, induce, prevail upon, tempt, lure, entice, inveigle, seduce, proposition Rick chats up every girl he meets