v. Function: verb
1 to bring to an end by or as if by the action of a destroying force FF1C; the village was consumed by fire FF1E;
Synonyms: devour, eat, eat up, exhaust, use up
Related Words: destroy, raze, ruin, wreck; annihilate, extinguish; crush, overwhelm, suppress
Contrasted Words: bolster, brace, buttress, hold up, prop, stay, support, sustain; build, construct, create, make, produce; renew, restore
Synonyms: WASTE 2, blow, cast away, dissipate, drivel, fritter, frivol away, squander, throw away, trifle (away)
Synonyms: GO 4, exhaust, expend, finish, run through, spend, use up, wash up
Synonyms: EAT 1, devour, feed (on), ingest, meal, partake (of), take
5 to eat or drink usually gluttonously or without measure FF1C; consumed dozens of burgers and a case of beer FF1E;
Synonyms: polish off, punish, put away, put down, shift, swill; compare EAT 1
Related Words: absorb, ingest; devour, gobble (up), gorge, wolf; down, gulp, guzzle, inhale, swallow
Idioms: dispose of
Synonyms: MONOPOLIZE , absorb, engross, sew up