Meaning of DEFIANCE in English

n. Function: noun

1 the act or an instance of defying FF1C; presented a defiance to his rival FF1E;

Synonyms: cartel, challenge, dare, defi, defy, stump

Related Words: call, muster, summons; command, enjoinder, order

Contrasted Words: capitulation, submission, surrender

2 disposition to resist or unwillingness to brook opposition FF1C; exhibited defiance toward his teacher FF1E;

Synonyms: contempt, contumacy, despite, recalcitrance, stubbornness

Related Words: factiousness, insubordination, insurgency, rebelliousness; headstrongness, intractableness, unruliness; boldness, bravado, brazenness, impudence, insolence; audacity, effrontery, hardihood, temerity; contrariness, perversity

Contrasted Words: acquiescence, compliance; amenableness, docility, obedience, tractableness; submissiveness

Merriam Webster. Collegiate thesaurus English dictionary.      Английский энциклопедический толковый словарь тезауруса.