Function: verb
1 to unnerve and check by arousing fear, apprehension, or aversion FF1C; dismayed by the task that lay ahead FF1E;
Synonyms: appall, consternate, daunt, horrify, shake
Related Words: bewilder, confound, dumbfound, mystify, nonplus, perplex, puzzle; abash, discomfit, disconcert, embarrass, faze, rattle; discourage, dishearten; affright, alarm, frighten, scare, terrify
Idioms: set one back on one's heels, take aback
Contrasted Words: assure, ensure, secure; excite, galvanize, pique, provoke, quicken, stimulate
Synonyms: DISCOMPOSE 1, agitate, bother, disquiet, disturb, flurry, fluster, perturb, unhinge, upset