[dis.may] vt dis.mayed ; dis.may.ing [ME, fr. (assumed) OF desmaiier, fr. OF des- dis- + -maiier (as in esmaiier to dismay), fr. (assumed) VL -magare, of Gmc origin; akin to OHG magan to be able--more at may] (13c): to deprive of courage, resolution, and initiative through the pressure of sudden fear or anxiety or great perplexity -- dis.may.ing.ly adv syn dismay, appall, horrify, daunt mean to unnerve or deter by arousing fear, apprehension, or aversion. dismay implies that one is disconcerted and at a loss as to how to deal with something "dismayed at the size of the job". appall implies that one is faced with that which perturbs, confounds, or shocks "I am appalled by your behavior". horrify stresses a reaction of horror or revulsion "was horrified by such wanton cruelty". daunt suggests a cowing, disheartening, or frightening in a venture requiring courage "a cliff that would daunt the most intrepid climber".
[2]dismay n (14c) 1: sudden loss of courage or resolution from alarm or fear
2. a: sudden disappointment b: perturbation 1