n. Function: adjective
1 lacking the power to speak FF1C; deaf and dumb from birth FF1E;
Synonyms: inarticulate, mute, silent, speechless, unarticulate, voiceless; compare SILENT 2
Antonyms: articulate
Synonyms: SILENT 2, mum, ||mumchance, mute, speechless, wordless
Related Words: incoherent, indistinct, maundering, tongue-tied
Synonyms: SILENT 3, closemouthed, close-tongued, reticent, speechless, taciturn, tight-lipped, tight-mouthed, uncommunicative, wordless
Contrasted Words: speaking, talking; talkative, verbose
Synonyms: STUPID 1, blockheaded, dense, doltish, dull, duncical, fatheaded, numskulled, thick, thick-witted
Idioms: dumb as an ox