adj. Function: adjective
Synonyms: CALM 2, collected, composed, easy, placid, poised, self-composed, self-possessed, serene, tranquil
Contrasted Words: agitated, flurried, flustered, harassed; anxious, concerned, upset, worried
Antonyms: uptight
Synonyms: LAZY , drony, faineant, indolent, slothful, slowgoing, work-shy
Related Words: apathetic, careless, indifferent, unconcerned; unambitious
Contrasted Words: active, ambitious, diligent, dynamic, energetic, industrious, live, vigorous
3 not constrained or bound by rigid standards FF1C; enjoyed the easygoing morality of a commune FF1E;
Synonyms: breezy, casual, ||common, dégagé, hang-loose, informal, low-pressure, relaxed, ||sonsy, unconstrained, unfussy, unreserved
Related Words: affable, folksy; flexible, lax, moderate, offhand, off-handed, unaffected; carefree, devil-may-care, happy-go-lucky; outgiving; uninhibited
Idioms: free and easy
Contrasted Words: ceremonious, decorous, formal, proper, stuffy; constrained, inflexible, inhibited, restrained, rigid, starchy, stiff