| ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ adjective
1. of a horse : having a comfortable gait
2. : taking life easily : placid , calm
an easygoing man, rarely stirred to anger
a. : indolent and careless
those easygoing slipshod ways would not do today
b. : not bound by rigid standards of conduct or morals
a country that, for all its reputation of being easygoing , has often set a moral example to the rest of Europe — Manchester Guardian Weekly
3. : free from onerous demands or exactions : casually pleasant and comfortable
the easygoing way of 19th century cultured living
an easygoing unhurried tempo
the easygoing demands of the present public taste — Kenkichi Yoshida
• easy·go·ing·ness noun -es