Meaning of FAMOUS in English

adj. Function: adjective


Synonyms: WELL-KNOWN , leading, noted, notorious, popular, prominent

2 widely known and honored for achievement FF1C; a famous physician FF1E;

Synonyms: celebrated, celebrious, distinguished, eminent, famed, great, illustrious, notable, prestigious, prominent, redoubtable, renowned; compare WELL-KNOWN

Related Words: estimable, honorable, reputable, respectable, well-thought-of

Idioms: held in esteem

Contrasted Words: humble, inconspicuous, undistinguished, unimportant, unknown

Antonyms: obscure; infamous


Synonyms: EXCELLENT , capital, ||dandy, first-class, first-rate, first-string, five-star, superior, top, top-notch

Antonyms: wretched

Merriam Webster. Collegiate thesaurus English dictionary.      Английский энциклопедический толковый словарь тезауруса.