transcription, транскрипция: [ ˈfā-məs ]
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin famosus, from fama fame
Date: 14th century
a. : widely known
b. : honored for achievement
2. : excellent , first-rate
famous weather for a walk
• fa·mous·ness noun
famous , renowned , celebrated , noted , notorious , distinguished , eminent , illustrious mean known far and wide. famous implies little more than the fact of being, sometimes briefly, widely and popularly known
a famous actress
renowned implies more glory and acclamation
one of the most renowned figures in sports history
celebrated implies notice and attention especially in print
the most celebrated beauty of her day
noted suggests well-deserved public attention
the noted mystery writer
notorious frequently adds to famous an implication of questionableness or evil
a notorious gangster
distinguished implies acknowledged excellence or superiority
a distinguished scientist who won the Nobel Prize
eminent implies even greater prominence for outstanding quality or character
the country's most eminent writers
illustrious stresses enduring honor and glory attached to a deed or person
illustrious war heroes